Spring Season begins April 7!

A record number of spring 2025 teams have been formed! We can't wait to see everyone out on the fields starting April 7. There's still time to register as an umpire: UMPIRE REGISTRATION

DBS season dates to remember:

Week of April 7: baseball practices begin (weather permitting)

Week of April 21: baseball games begin

April 26: Opening Day ceremonies (for all softball and baseball teams) at Ward Lee field

April 30: DBS Day at Grassburger (both locations)

May 18: MLB Pitch Hit & Run competition (for all softball and baseball players) at Fairgrounds fields, 1-3pm. Free for all participants, must pre-register.

May 24: No league baseball games Memorial Day Weekend

June 5: 6U baseball final games

June 15: 8U and 10U baseball season ends

June 22: 12U and 15U baseball season ends

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